JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)


Project Management

This section outlines the technology used to manage the
different aspects of the project.

Issue Management

The issue management is handled through the JIRA system located at

Issues can be created for bugs, feature requests and tasks. Bugs are
used to report unexpected behaviour, and will generally be created
by language/tool users. Feature requests can equally be used by
users to request new language or tool features.

Tasks will only generally be created by project developers, as a
way of keeping track of work that needs to be done, potentially
in support of bugs or feature requests.

Issues in JIRA can be linked, where a dependency exists. It is also
possible to create a simple hierarchiy with tasks, such that
a parent task can contain related sub-tasks.

An important usage of the issue management system is to keep track
of what issues are associated released versions of the tools, and
what target release they will be implemented or fixed within. This
enables users to understand the schedule of features and bug fixes,
aswell as providing an automated mechanism for providing release notes
describing the work associated with a particular release.

Project Build Management

The project build is performed using maven.
A specific maven plugin, called Tycho, is used
to build the Eclipse based OSGi modules.

The project also uses the Hudson continuous build and integration
system to automatically trigger the build when changes are
detected in the Scribble subversion repository.

Using the continuous build approach enables problems to be detected
at the earliest possible stage. The build includes the execution
of JUnit tests, implemented as part of the project, and the reporting
of their results.

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-13 09:37:58 UTC, last content change 2011-05-24 08:36:12 UTC.